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lucky bamboo price varies depending on where it is purchased

Online most of the lucky bamboo sellers are pricing the luckly bamboo they sell at least Rs 100
Offline it is possible to purchase the bamboo at a lower price
The cost of the lucky bamboo depends on the size of the bamboo
Smaller bamboo bundles are priced at Rs 20-25
Larger lucky bamboo bundles are priced at Rs 50
While other plants are likely to die quickly the lucky bamboo plants are more resilient and can grow in water alone.

Groundnuts are most suitable for those who have garden pests in their pots

Groundnuts seeds are easy to grow
Growing plants is the cheapest hobby, yet most seeds do not germinate or are eaten by pests like snails and millipedes.
So purchasing seeds is very expensive , since most of the seeds will die
One of the best seeds to grow are groundnut seeds
Compared to most other seeds, they are more likely to germinate and grow into plants
In some cases, they will also flower
The groundnuts can be easily purchased from the local retail store.