When google competitor was spending all her time and money online, it was very convenient for google,tata and others, as she was working full time as a slave for these companies. They could also falsely accuse her of being addicted to the internet, working on computers and not leading a balanced life to defame, cheat and exploit her further.
However computers were available only in the last 18 years, earlier the google competitor, domain investor was managing without using computers extensively outside office. Tired of being cheated and exploited ruthlessly the google competitor and domain investor has realized that she will not get a fair deal, especially under the present conditions
So she is reverting slowly to her other hobbies like gardening, reading, stitching. However it appears that other domain investors are unable to reduce their online usage even when they are being tortured, allowing ntro, google,tata to exploit them endlessly. Google, tata did not expect the domain investor not to tolerate the cheating and when she is spending time, money gardening, they are again harassing her, as their identity theft plans are slowly failing.
Author: admin
Sage plant ordered online withers and dies
Ordering plants online and buying them offline is always risky.
The sage plant ordered from Nurserylive was alive when it was delivered about 14 days ago.
However the plant withered and dried rather quickly
The plant was kept outside and was watered well, yet it dried quickly
Sage plant ordered online withers and dies
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Ordering plants online and buying them offline is always risky.
The sage plant ordered from Nurserylive was alive when it was delivered about 14 days ago.
However the plant withered and dried rather quickly
The plant was kept outside and was watered well, yet it dried quickly
Listing of online nurseries in India
Companies in the it and internet sector in India are extremely unethical and are openly involved in intellectual property theft, sex, bribery racket, banking, financial fraud with the help of ntro employees like j srinivasan who have the morals of a whore falsely claiming that google,tata supplied lazy greedy frauds, goan prostitutes like slim goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, a flat chested version of actress mallika sherawat, who offers sex services to government employees, and done no work online, does not spend any money online, is owning the websites where the news of her fraud, sex bribes are posted
The real domain investor finds it very difficult to make any money online, as the vvip goan prostitutes are very good at motivating the ntro employees they are having sex with, to block all the payment, leads and orders of the real domain investor, whose identity has been stolen by the 10 google,tata sponsored goan prostitute, cheater housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, domain ownership
Growing plants is far more rewarding for a victim of google,tata’s prostitution racket, intellectual property theft , identity theft, banking fraud. So a review and listing of online nurseries was being developed, however google,tata’s favorite goan bhandari panaji prostitute the lazy greedy R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan is least interested in gardening, because it is physically very strenuous
The fraud google,tata, ntro, goan government employees like pritesh chodankar have pampered google,tata’s favorite lazy greedy goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, that she is not interested in doing any kind of work at all, she is used to getting everything on a platter without doing any work at all except having sex with powerful men, because her google,tata pimps , sugar daddy ntro employees like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, her relatives like pritesh chodankar are shameless and ruthless in marketing the prostitute as an online expert, domain investor
So when the domain on online nurseries was added to the ad network, it was indexed, however because google,tata’s favorite goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina, is not interested in gardening and online nurseries , the domain was deindexed in google a short period of time. Why are ntro, google,tata, R&AW falsely associating their employee google,tata’s favorite goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, with the google competitor , engineer who sunaina, her associates and her family hate?
The google,tata’s favorite goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina like other raw/cbi employees can easily purchase the domain paying the market price, so why deindex the website just because the R&AW employee is not interested in gardening and online nurseries, the R&AW employee is only interested in having sex with powerful men as arranged by her pimps in google,tata ?
Gujju fraud gang placing plants after stealing memory of google competitor
Stealing the business related data of any business, like customer information, costing data, business plans is widely considered to be a crime in most countries worldwide and the thief is punished by law if the victim provides proof.
One example of how memory theft is used for mentally harassing the google competitor, domain investor, is how the gujju goan identity theft gang hiding behind school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, are repeatedly placing plants near the house of the google competitor, domain investor based on the stolen memory they have access to.
Tired of having her payment blocked online, the google competitor is focusing on plants, however the gujju memory robbers are using this information to harass her, and place plants to indicate that they have access to the stolen memory. The ruthless fraud gujjus are not satisfied with stealing the identity of the engineer, to get semiliterate associate housewife naina a cbi job with the stolen identity , these shameless gujju fraudsters in goa, with the help of google, tata also want a stake in any other business the engineer will start dtxdcrt
The theft of the memory of a harmless private citizen, is no different from the theft of business data because the human mind is similar to offline and digital storage media. Initially the vicious cruel cheater google,tata employees were extremely ruthless in defaming a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor without any legally valid proof, repeating the lies like parrots, and putting the engineer under surveillance trying to find non existent proof.
After 8 years, google,tata, ntro. raw,cbi employees cannot find any legally valid proof, yet they are stealing the memory regularly without offering any kind of compensation, causing great business losses, a clear case of intellectual property theft. So it is time that NTRO, indian government is honest about the fact that google,tata are openly involved in intellectual property theft of a small business owner, to avoid paying salaries and business expenses like domain registration, renewal expenses
Until the theft of memory ends the google competitor will not be able to lead a normal life, make any money online and offline. So the engineer has the legal right to complain that she is a victim of human rights abuses, discrimination because ntro in 2018 is stealing and selling only her memory regularly to google,tata, and others , not the memory of the 1.3 billion indian citizens or the male indian domain investors
Memory reading used to ensure that plant nursery remained closed
If the ntro employees had ended their identity theft racket with getting their 10 lazy greedy cheater girlfriends and relatives raw/cbi jobs with the stolen resume, the domain investor may have kept quiet, and moved on.
However the ntro employees continue to steal her memory, and are then using the surveillance for stalking the domain investor, wasting her time at every opportunity.
For example the domain investor had planned to go to a nursery in taleigao for checking the plants available, as monsoon is the best time for growing plants
However when she went to the nursery on 27 June 2018, which is some distance away , wasting 30 minutes of her time, she was told that it was closed the whole day. usually the nursery is open on all weekdays
This is another example, of how memory reading is being used to ensure that she does not spend money on the items which she requires and her time is wasted daily
Easy to grow Plants available at a cost lower than pear price
Those who eat a lot of fresh fruits have to spend a lot of money as many of the fruits are very expensive. For example pears are costing Rs 160 per kilo in panaji, goa , and three medium size pears cost Rs 65
In contrast the domain investor can sell at least 5 different varieties of plants for Rs 20 each, yet finds it difficult to get buyers
The plants available are
Aloe vera
Blue butterfly pea
Online monthly advertising is available for even less, Rs 3 per month , yet it is difficult to sell a single ad in a day, because google, tata have ensured that their associates control all the advertising, and they are ruthless in blocking all the advertising for the domain investor, google competitor, whose identity, savings, correspondence they have already stolen
Google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina again kill plant
Though plants may be growing, most people do not kill the plants in other people’s compound. However Google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina and her associates are ruthless in killing any plant at the first opportunity
Instead of being honest and having the humanity to admit that thepowerful lover of naina, parmar, had made a mistake in thinking that he could force the experienced engineer, domain investor to agree to identity theft, the gujju fraud gang with eighth standard pass naina as its face, continues to think that they can bully the engineer to agree to identity theft, give up her resume, savings to the eighth standard pass school dropout.
So on 16 June 2018, the domain investor again found that plant leaves were chopped off, mostly by naina and her associates
Star gooseberry plants available for sale
Amateur gardener has multiple star gooseberry plants available for sale.
Plants are available for sale at a low price of Rs 30 only
Fruit can be sold in market
Limited time offer in June 2018 only
Please send email to info@textads.in
Plants can be supplied in bulk in future also, kindly revert
Aloe vera plants available in bulk at extremely cheap rates in Goa
Aloe vera plants available in bulk at very extremely cheap rates in Goa
Rate for plants with roots only, Rs 5 per plant
If plant is required with a pot, plant in recycled pot available for Rs 15 only
Limited time offer till end June 2018
Can supply 100 plants immediately
Please send an email to info@textads.in
Shipping charges extra