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Daily panaji pea seed robbery criminally trespassing on terrace garden shows the extreme hatred of the domain investor

Usually no one will bother to criminally trespass any house only to rob seeds from plants, especially if they are easily found seeds
However, indicating the EXTREMELY HIGH LEVELS of fraud, hatred in panaji, goa, especially in posh areas, some well connected people in panaji, goa are criminally trespassing on the house of the domain investor and robbing the seeds daily
Usually white ternatea peas are forming a lot of seeds, if there are flowers, yet in 2020 not a single seed is visible, though there are plenty of flowers, they are allegedly robbed daily
The panaji pea seed robbers are duped that the domain investor (not greedy gujju fraud asmita patel and other fraud raw/cbi employees) has no other source of income due to the goa government computer work fraud, with the goa government falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees who are cybercriminals are owning her paypal, bank account

These fraud raw/cbi employees are least interested in doing any kind of computer work, yet shamelessly and falsely claim to own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor, whose pea plant seeds they are ROBBING after illegally entering the terrace garden daily

Though they knew almost all plants were dried after cutting off water supply, bacopa monnieri order placed.

One of the most shocking aspects of the google, tata masterminded online, computer work fraud on the domain investor is how they are stealing all the data committing CYBERCRIME and then falsely claiming that the relatives, friends and associates of raw/ntro employees like sindhi school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, who do no computer work, own the paypal, bank account to get them monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor.

To cover up their computer work, BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUD, the gujju /sindhi officials like Gujju fraud NTRO/raw employee parmar/tushar parekh are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor as a idle person with no income, the only money she can make is by selling plants. These GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD Gujju fraud NTRO/raw employees parmar/tushar parekh are aware that the single woman domain investor is alone paying Rs 4-5 lakh annually for the domains, and she alone owns the paypal, bank account.

Yet indicating the complete lack of ethics in the indian internet sector, fraud officials, goa government are FALSELY CLAIMING that sindhi school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil,slim goan bhandari fraud sunaina chodan, who does no computer work, is owning the paypal, BANK account of the single woman domain investor in a government FINANCIAL FRAUD

To indicate how ruthless ntro, raw, cbi are in their panaji paypal, BANKING account fraud on the domain investor, almost everyone blindly believes in the fraud. From 2013 to 2018, ntro, raw, cbi had blocked almost all writing work, so the domain investor had listed some plants for sale, to check how ecommerce works in India. Yet the plant listing was used to defame the domain investor as having no source of income in panaji, when she has a regular revenues

In 2020, the gujju/sindhi officials have been extremely aggressive in their computer work, paypal fraud, making fake dengue complaints., They are also stealing the seedlings from the terrace and have cut off the water supply. Just to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the domain investor, an order for a bacopa monnieri (brahmi plant) was placed by a gujju buyer from santa cruz, mumbai in august. The fraud raw/ntro employees were aware that all the bacopa monnieri plants had dried due to lack of water, yet the order was placed only for harassment.

Since all the plants have dried, and due to lack of time, the domain investor would not be able to supply it. So she gave a refund within 12 hours unlike the fraud greedy indian internet and tech companies who have robbed her savings, and are making fake claims about her domains, paypal, bank account for the last ten years since 2010 in one of the greatest online, computer work frauds.

Bean seedlings also missing from the terrace in panaji, goa

Usually after bean seedlings grow their first few leaves , they continue to flourish.
Yet indicating the high levels of intolerance, crime in panaji, goa, a citizen found that the bean seedlings growing in the various pots are missing, they have been systematically stolen by those criminally trespassing the property.
If the birds and animals have removed the bean seedlings, they usually eat only part of the plant.
In this case the seedlings are completely removed from the terrace pots, there is no trace at all.
The citizen had spent a lot of money on seeds from nurserylive, all the seeds are wasted since even seedlings are robbed.

Indicating terrible business conditions in panaji, business owner harassed for mud around pots

After fake dengue complaints, now Cuckolded husband of panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan complains about mud around pots
One of the major problems living in panaji, goa is that uneducated dishonest people openly involved in BANKING FRAUD are considered high status and given great powers by the government agencies while honest hardworking skilled citizens are ruthlessly defamed, CHEATED, EXPLOITED and harassed, filing fake complaints
Though top LIAR ntro/raw employees are making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, only because she offers excellent SEX SERVICES, in an extremely audacious fraud of the gujju officials, community and leaders, top officials and leaders are falsely claiming that the panaji sex queen with no online income, is an online expert to get the panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
Though he knows that powerful men are making FAKE CLAIMS about panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan only because of her SEX SERVICES, pran, the cuckolded husband pran, a xerox shop owner, of panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan is tolerating her affairs,because it has helped in improving their lifestyle greatly since naina’s lovers have got 3 members of their family raw/cbi salaries
To cover up their BANKING,ONLINE FRAUD, the Cuckolded husband of panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan continues to harass domain investor for exposing his wife’s SEX SERVICES, after all the water was removed, now they are complaining about the mud on the terrace

After fake dengue complaints, now Cuckolded husband of panaji school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan complains about mud around pots. When it rains heavily the mud from the pot will get drained out. Also birds, squirrels and other animals are entering the terrace, balcony and digging the pots, scattering the mud around it.

Unlike the cunning LIAR gujju, goan bhandari community, officials who are able to get a monthly raw/cbi salary for call girls, school dropouts and their sons without doing any computer work at all, people from other communities like the domain investor have to work very hard, spend hours in front of the computer to do the work, and get payment from customers outside india,

So the hardworking people like the domain investor do not have any time, to clean the garden when mud is spilled around it. There is plenty of junk dumped in the area, especially next to the domain investors house, no one is commenting on it only the domain investor is being harassed for mud around her pots in the terrace, indicating the terrible business conditions in panaji, goa with photos sent to her relative to harass him and her.

Plenty of plants on the terrace of janhavi building in lake view colony, yet domain investor only persecuted in panaji, goa

Plenty of plants are growing on the terrace of janhavi building in lake view colony,panaji, goa yet the domain investor is only persecuted in panaji, goa in a clear case of harassment and discrimination of the government agencies, health department

The death of actor sushant singh rajput, which is being incorrectly reported as suicide in the indian mainstream media , is only the tip of the endless BRAHMIN, BANIA atrocities on kshatriyas which the mainstream media in india is refusing to cover for the last ten years or more , mainly because kshatriya leaders and officials do not openly defend or support hardworking harmless competent kshatriya professionals against the defamation of the GREEDY CRUEL SHAMELESS pathological LIAR brahmin, bania officials

The indian internet news websites like,, thewire, quint, medianama, cover the news of scandals in other sectors like bollywood extensively, no one has the honesty and humanity to cover the endless scandals in the indian internet sector, especially the computer work, domain ownership FINANCIAL,ICANN FRAUD of raw/ntro employees wherein they falsely claim that their sex service providers like gujju school dropout naina chandan, relatives like nayanshree hathwar and associates, who do not spend any money on domains, do no computer work, have no online income, own the domains, bank , paypal account, credit cards, online account of a private citizen who the ntro/raw/cbi employees HATE
Harmless single woman domain investor is also subjected to human rights abuses, MEMORY ROBBERY for the last ten years without a legally valid reason, to ROB her trade secrets, identity, treating her worse than an arrested criminal . When arrested criminals are subjected to narcoanalysis the government is getting a court order, in case of the domain investor, the government has refused to get any court order, only ROBS her MEMORY , copy pastes it on the brains of raw/cbi employees, FALSELY CLAIMS that robbed memory belongs to them, to pay them monthly raw/cbi salaries for the last ten years
It is a clear case of human rights abuses , yet no one in the indian internet sector has the HUMANITY, HONESTY to ask the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, haryana why they are only targetting the single woman engineer for MEMORY ROBBERY for the last 10 years, why they are not getting a COURT ORDER for stealing the TRADE SECRETS of a harmless private citizen like they do for arrested criminals who are subjected to narcoanalysis
There are many domain investors in india with more domains, more expensive domains, why is only the single woman domain investor targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY, her life converted to a reality show for the last ten years by government agencies without a legally valid reason

In a clear indication of how much harassment, the domain investor is facing in panaji, goa, there are plenty of plants on the terrace of janhavi building, in lake view colony, panaji, goa in the vicinity of her house, no one is harassing or filing complaints with the health department for those plants. Only for the domain investor, they are regularly criminally trespassing on the terrace. They are intentionally keeping bottles, and then blaming the domain investor for causing dengue, filing complaints with the health department

People are also growing plants on the first floor of janhavi building in plastic containers no one is making fake dengue related complaints , the panaji gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, and her fraud family are only targetting the domain investor because they are allegedly supported by google, tata in this harassment

CCP employees trespass private property in panaji,goa cuts down tree

In another case of harassment, CCP employees have trespassed private property in panaji and cut down a tree and damaged other plants.
The tree was not entering into anyone’s compound, yet the CCP officials have cut the tree, taking advantage of the fact that the home owner was away.
They have also filled the compound with the tree which they have cut and have not taken it away, and damaged the gate in the process
Looking for legal help to get compensation for unauthorized cutting of the tree, gate damage and to prevent further damage to plants on the ground floor
If anyone else in panaji is also finding that their tree and plants in private property are being damaged please send an email to

Mainly goat weed growing on terrace, almost no plants

In the latest harassment of the panaji gujju xerox shop owner pran chandan, after failing to force a sale in June of the domain investor’s house, he has approached the local politician for help in forcing a house sale repeating his fake dengue allegations like a parrot.
Since he has four votes, and is able to persuade others to join him in his fraud, the politician is making a noise and false allegations.
The domain investor had cleaned the terrace soon after the monsoon started and there is no pot where the water is accumulating. Also since the birds are eating all the seeds planted, there are almost no plants of any value on the terrace. The terrace is mainly covered with goat weed
The domain investor is not visiting the house often since the neighbours are extremely hostile and dangerous, so she is unable to remove the goat weed, She also does not have the time to do so since she is wasting time fighting banking fraud, human rights abuses of four state governments.

For growing a few plants on terrace, domain investor FALSELY blamed for dengue in entire area

Since they did not get the desired results for their earlier complaints, gujju school dropout cbi employee naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and her LIAR family are increasing their harasssment on the domain investor to force her to sell the house cheaply to cover up their BANKING, REAL ESTATE FRAUD.
They have approached a local politician to force the domain investor to remove a few plants from the terrace in a clear case of discrimination and harassment.

There is plenty of water in St Inez creek and the Lake in Lake view colony, yet the gujju school dropout naina chandan, her family and others claim that it does not cause dengue, only a few pots on the terrace of the domain investor are only cause of dengue in the area in a clear case of discrimination.

Instead of telling the greedy gujju fraudster family to stop harassing the harmless single woman domain investor filing fake complaints against her, the politicians are repeating the fake allegations of the shameless greedy gujju fraudster family. Most homes also have plenty of plants no complaint is filed against these home owners only the single woman is targetted.

Indian citizens have equal rights, people living in janhavi building close to the house of the domain investor, have plenty of plants on their terrace, no one sends a legal notice or complains to the health department, only the domain investor is targetted because she is a single woman and she has been defamed, cheated and exploited in the worst possible manner in panaji, goa.

This reflects the lack of honesty and humanity in goan society and government that just because a woman is single and not well connected, falsely blame her for everything which is wrong in area, to DEFAME, CHEAT, EXPLOIT her when other citizens are free to grow plants

Tree cutting services in demand in India

Though many people are losing jobs or facing salary cuts, there is an increase in the demand for people doing manual work.
According to a report in Times of India, in some areas , educated people who have lost their job are making good money in June despite the covid-19 pandemic cutting trees.
In the United States, Australia and other countries, tree cutting is a lucrative business, and the domain investor (not raw/cbi employees especially asmita patel) is often requested to write articles on tree cutting services.
In india, tree cutting services are not organized.

Urban gardening or indoor gardening

Article on indoor gardening or urban gardening, the client refused to pay for the article. A similar article is available on any gardening related topic is available on request, please send email to

You can cultivate plants even if you do not have a balcony or garden. Increasingly people are growing their plants indoors and this trend is called urban gardening. It is possible to to plant aromatic herbs, vegetables and fruit plants in a personal garden in your apartment. Only a window sill or well lit room will be required, and some tips have to be followed. Many people are forced to remain at home, and are looking for a new way to relax, remain busy and utilize the innate creativity. Some tips which will help you start gardening in your apartment are provided.

Choosing the plants
Though some plants cannot be grown indoors, gardeners can still choose from a large variety of herbs and plants. Basil, chives,coriander, dill and mint are some of the popular aromatic herbs grown indoors. Other plants are tomatoes, chillies, capsicum and gherkins. You can do some research online and offline, to find more plants which you can grow in your house.

When to plant the seeds indoors?
The right time to plant a particular type of seed, varies depending on the seed type. However, most seeds should be sown in the period from the end of winter, till spring end. Harvesting of the plants can begin in spring and continues till summer end. Yet, there are exceptions. For example arugula seeds can be planted any time in the year and harvested.

Where should the plants be grown?
Even if the apartment has a very small balcony, it is ideal for growing the plants. However, most people do not have a balcony. Still they can have their own urban garden, growing their plants on the windowsills of different rooms. Alternately the plants can be grown in well lit room located close to a window which gets good sunshine. It is important to ensure that the plants are exposed to sunlight and the fresh air for several hours daily so that the conditions are similar to the conditions outdoors. This is mainly because some plants require these conditions to flourish, and some insects like bees to grow properly.

How to start your urban garden?
To start a urban garden, it is necessary to follow a few basic steps. The soil and other requirement, for each plant variety will differ. While purchasing seeds, this information is often provided on the packaging of the seed bag, or separate leaflet. The seed seller can also be asked for advice. Pots are available in different kinds of materials like plastic, clay and a variety of shapes like boxes , round. The soil available will also vary based on its composition. Some types are clay, sand, loam.
While some of the containers will already have holes for draining water, for other containers, it may be necessary to drill holes at the bottom of the pot. This will ensure that the roots are not exposed to water for a long time and do not rot. To prevent the mud and dirty water, from dirtying the apartment, a plate can be placed under each container.An alternative option to the plate, is purchasing clay or gravel balls, and placing them below the pots.