Indicating the extent of the harassment which the domain investor faces, pieces of pav were left with the dry plants in the verandah of the house. pav is a bread which is popular in goa and exposes the extent of the criminal defamation of the single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka faced in goa, so that lazy greedy goan cheaters, sindhi scammers could get lucrative government jobs in the indian internet sector faking online income, domain ownership including this one.
Though the greedy goan cheaters, sindhi scammers like school dropout housewife naina chandwani did not do any computer work at all, did not pay any expenses due to support of the top tech, internet companies for fraud, all these cheaters are getting a monthly indian government salary only for robbing data of the single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka and making fake claims.
The extremely greedy goan officials and leaders are extremely aggressive in looting the hardworking single woman engineer who has largely lived away from goa since the age of 17. Though the shameless greedy goan/sindhi cheaters like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro have lived in goa all their life , they are falsely claiming to own the mumbai savings of the single woman engineer in a major financial fraud, and getting a monthly government salary.
Due to the great goan online financial fraud, slavery racket since 2010, the engineer is forced to move from goa, and has to spend time and money travelling 3 different states, moving household goods, clothes from one state to another, and the few plants she keeps are wilting and drying up.
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Ternatea, butterfly pea plants also revive quickly
Due to the government online, financial fraud, slavery, digital arrest racket on some domain investors, they are criminally defamed, denied a life of dignity which adversely affects the social status of the domain investor, making them vulnerable to crime.
So while domain, banking fraudster raw/cbi employees like gujju stock trader asmita patel get monthly government salaries only for faking online income, domain ownership, the real domain investor is forced to relocated from one state to another, wasting time and money.
Since the domain investor is away from home frequently all the plants are also dying, if they are not watered for more than one week. Some plants like money plant, aloe vera, ajwain, periwinkle, revive quickly if watered for a few days.
The ternatea or butterfly pea plant leaves also dry, yet if watered for a few days, new leaves are formed.
Periwinkle plants revive quickly even if not watered for some time
Due to the indian internet sector, government online, financial fraud, slavery racket, robbing the data of private citizens to make fake claims about the lazy greedy goan call girl, cheater housewife, haryana fraud mba ruchika kinge, gujju fraud trader amita patel, panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees, the real domain investor is denied a life of dignity and is forced to relocate repeatedly.
So the real domain investor has to waste time and money for relocation and is not at her residence continuously. So many of the plants she grows are withering away and drying up when she is away from home and cannot water her plants.
A few of the plants are reviving quickly if they are watered for one day. The periwinkle plants are revived quickly if they are watered continously for one day, while for other plants, the grower has to wait.
Greedy goan officials/leaders defame the single woman engineer as only capable of gardening
Top tech and internet companies are making fake allegations against online investors, workers from poorer communities, so that they can be put under surveillance to rob their data and make fake claims about the lazy greedy friends and relatives of the top government employees to get them monthly government salaries, great powers.
The refusal of the indian tech, internet companies to acknowledge the real domain investor, denies the investor a life of dignity and makes them vulnerable to slander, cheating, exploitation, fraud by corrupt officials/leaders.
For example though panaji goan bhandari CHEATER raw employee sunaina chodan, like other goan/sindhi raw/cbi employees did not purchase a computer and did not do any computer , in goa the officials/leaders were extremely ruthless in their slavery racket, financial fraud on the real domain investor, engineer, migrant from north karnataka who did not have anyone to help her.
The engineer was defamed as only being capable of gardening and causing dengue, while all her data was being robbed, so that the greedy goans, gujjus, scammer sindhis and other frauds who did not pay expenses could fake online work, domain ownership to get great powers, monthly government salaries, in a case of financial fraud, slavery.
After wasting time for 14 years,it appears that the great online,financial fraud, slavery racket has been exposed, yet who will compensate the engineer for the 14 years wasted due to the criminal defamation of the liar rich and powerful, loss of reputation.
Plants die when people are away from home for more than 10 days
while all other industry sectors will acknowledge the real investors, workers, the tech and internet sector refuses to acknowlege the real domain investors, workers, criminally defames them, robs their data to get monthly government salaries for the lazy greedy girlfriends and associates of top indian government employes in the indian internet sector.
This online, financial fraud, slavery racket forces the real domain investor, who is denied a life of dignity to travel more often, at least once in three months. Additionally the domain investor is making great financial losses due to massive online, financial fraud, slavery racket so she cannot afford to travel frequently for a short period of time, she has to stay away for a week or more.
When she comes back, most of the plants have died or withered, and many of them cannot be revived watering them.
Tomato plant allegedly cut by telugu fraudsters for exposing fraud architect telugu trisha
Since the cheater top indian tech, internet companies, government agencies refuse to end their massive online, financial fraud, slavery, the few plants the domain investor has are the only source of happiness.
Though the shameless married greedy fraud architect telugu trisha does not want to do any online work, does not want to pay expenses as part of the endless frauds of the shameless cheater tech, internet companies, raw/cbi employees especially panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, the shameless cheater telugu trisha was faking ownership of the paypal, bank account using robbed data.
Due to the high level government fraud, the domain investor could not add the HDFc bank account to her income tax profile, so she changed to the icici bank account which has a goa address. Upset that the great online fraud of married cheater architect telugu trisha was exposed, the telugu cheaters have cut the stem of the tomato plant which growing well and would have got tomatoes in a few weeks.
This is similar to the harassment of greedy goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan, who specializes in criminal trespassing, robbing plants to get great powers, faking website, domain ownership
Plant seller also not selling plants in summer
Usually the local plant seller would go on a holiday during the monsoon.
In 2024, like the fruit seller, the plant seller from Bihar has gone on a holiday.
There are a few other plant sellers, but their rates are much higher.
The plant seller may not want to sit in the hot sun to sell the plants.
All during the school holidays, there are fewer buyers for the plants, since some parents go to their native place.
Hubli auto drivers goa gardening story
Goa is well developed, because it has been marketed very well as a tourism destination, and also because the local officials/leaders are very aggressive in exploiting migrants, vulnerable people, to get local goans lucrative no work, no investment government jobs at the expense of the migrants who are forced to work like slaves and make great losses.
In contrast north karnataka is comparatively less developed, so there are fewer opportunities for the locals. Many of these locals go to goa for jobs or other paid work. The domain investor was in north karnataka for more than 41 days due to personal reasons. Many people asked her why she did not speak kannada, she had to give the long explanation that she has lived in goa, mumbai for many years
It appears that there a some people in Hubli who have worked in goa . One auto driver was telling the story of how he had done the gardening work in goa medical college, campal for ten years. He then returned to Hubli and has not gone back. There was another auto driver at the airport who had also worked in goa, calangute and had come back to Hubli.
This clearly shows that migrants from Hubli are not treated well in goa and are going back to Hubli. So the complaints of the domain investor are an isolated case, many people from Hubli who have worked in goa are facing a similar problem of lack of opportunities.
Most succulent plants are dying after one month.
Though succulent plants are very attractive, it is very difficult for some people to ensure that they grow well.
Usually the plants are dying within one month.
The plants receive enough water, yet they wither and die
Only the sellers and a select few gardeners are aware of how to make these plants grow well and flourish.
Mustard plants grown over the place where naina mahat’s dead body was buried
While those who are single are often persecuted , relationships can be fatal for some women. The nepalese makeup artist naina mahat was allegedly killed after her boyfriend manohar shukla refused to marry her and she refused to withdraw the rape case against him.
To avoid being caught, the manohar shukla who was married to another woman decided to bury the body in a remote place, probably inspired by the sheena bora case, which was not detected for several years.
To ensure that the decomposing body smell was not noticed, shukla and his wife poornima purchased more than 1 kg of mustard seed according to a news report in hindustan times. Then after burying the body in august 2023 , they covered it will mustard seeds. Due to the heavy rainfall, the mustard seeds grew fast over the dead body.
However, the mustard plants were not normally found in the area where the body was buried. So the police contacted a botanist who confirmed that mustard plants were not normally grown in the area, and someone had intentionally dumped a large amount of mustard seeds in the area.
Kindly note that the panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil, other raw/cbi employees are not associated with the website, since they refuse to purchase the domains, though they falsely claim to own it and get great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.