If star gooseberry fruits are falling in the property owned by a person, the person should immediately make arrangements for collecting the fruits and ensuring that they do not fall on the ground
The star gooseberry fruits are sour in taste, so they are acidic in nature, and the soil will get spoiled, no other plant can grow , as most plants do not grow well in soil with low pH (acidic in nature)
For a person with a small garden, they cannot afford to let the small amount of land go waste due to the gooseberry fruits falling on the ground
Though the star gooseberry plant may be grown elsewhere, if it enters the property, the property owner should immediately initiate action to prevent any further damage to the soil
Category: Uncategorized
Snails attacking and killing aloe vera plants
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Aloe vera plants are some of the hardiest plants, however in Panaji, Goa, these plants are being attacked by snails, who are systematically killing all the larger plants.
The snails are able to separate out all the leaves of the aloe vera plant
When attacked by the snails, the base of the aloe vera plant is becoming brownish and it separates out.
At least 3 large aloe vera plants have been attacked in July, August 2018
Any tips to get rid of the snails will be greatly appreciated.
Gardening is more lucrative than working online in 2018
In addition to paying a massive amount annually for webhosting, domain names, there is almost no money to be made for a person who is hated by ntro, raw, cbi, security agencies, subjected to identity theft by NTRO, R&AW,cbi.
Many online websites are making a lot of money selling plants
For example nurserylive has some top 5 plant placks , which are costing Rs 1000 each or more
In the last 90 days, their website shows that for many of these plant packs, 3000-4000 plant packs are sold in the last 90 days
So approximately 1000- 1300 packs are sold monthly
So for each top 5 pack which is being sold , they are making Rs 1.1 – Rs 1.5 lakh monthly
There are at least 15-20 plant packs which are being sold for Rs 1.1 – Rs 1.5 lakh monthly
So the sales of nurserylive should be Rs 20-30 lakh monthly
Online the revenues are fixed at Rs 30,000-Rs 45000 for the last 7 years, however much time and money is invested online.
While it is difficult to get as many plants as nurserylive, the google competitor will be extremely happy if she reaches Rs 1 lakh in revenues and growing plants is a more passive source of income compared to working online, where other than article writing, there is almost no source of online income which can be increased.
Karela, beans stolen from google competitors terrace garden in panaji, goa
In another example of the harassment and criminal trespassing faced by the google competitor in panaji, goa, it appears that the trespassers stole a karela and beans from the terrace garden of the google competitor in panaji, goa, entering the house using duplicate keys.
The karela had grown after a lot of effort.
The theft took place between 7 August and 10 August 2018 , because on 6 August 2018, the karela and beans were growing properly.
On 10 August 2010, the beans have almost completely disappeared without any trace at all
It appears that more money will have to be wasted to purchase new locks for the home so that the vegetable robbers of panaji do not cause further damage
A purple flower had also been broken off by the criminal trespassers
Cutting of bay leaf, star gooseberry tree exposes the lack of power of bhandari community in goa
The bhandari community is considered to be the largest community in goa in terms of population , while the gujrati community in goa is fairly small. Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina’s family is fairly well known in Panaji, some of her relatives are well educated , have law degrees, yet they are not financially well off and not very powerful . For example, a store owner was complaining how one of sunaina’s relative had taken a loan to purchase, indicating financial difficulties. A neighbour had indicated that another of sunaina’s relative became financially stable only after her son completed engineering and started working a few years ago
The gujrati community in goa may be small, their members are sometimes not well educated, yet they are very powerful and wealthy and can ensure that even an uneducated school dropout like gujju housewife naina, eighth standard pass can get a cbi job with the stolen resume, savings, of an experienced single woman bhandari engineer, domain investor and have no one complain. Both eighth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina and her husband are not well educated, yet they have plenty of cash, purchasing Rs 12 lakh cars for their young inexperienced son, while though sunaina’s relatives are graduates, lawyers, they have very less money cannot pay grocery bills
Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina is a graduate, her sister was studying law, yet they could not do anything to prevent the google, tata sponsored eighth standard pass cbi employee gujju housewife naina, mother of two sons, who looks like actress sneha wagh, from getting the civic authorities cut their bay leaf, star gooseberry tree, giving fake excuses of dengue . The trees were probably planted by sunaina’s mother, who may have experienced the lack of opportunities for older bhandari citizens in goa, and wanted the trees as an alternate source of income.
It is time that the goan bhandari leaders and officials reflect why the small gujju community in goa is so wealthy, powerful and arrogant, despite not being well educated in some cases like the school dropout gujju housewife naina, yet have plenty of money, get cbi jobs with the stolen identity of bhandari engineers , while bhandari professionals despite being educated, hardworking, and numerically stronger, have very less money in goa compared to most gujjus.
Now gujju identity theft gang hiding behind school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina harassing google competitor for growing plants in her garden.
With the gujju identity theft gang led by ntro employee parmar, blocking almost all payment, orders, to cover up the identity theft fraud on the google competitor, the google competitor has realized that investing money online, in goa is a waste of time and money, as NTRO cannot be held accountable for their endless banking, online frauds.
The google competitor now tries to make spend her limited money on hobbies like growing plants, which are less likely to be sabotaged by ntro as they will have to criminally trespass . On the other hand, google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh and her family is flush with black money, so she does not have to worry about money, because they are very well connected, despite not being educated in a reflection of how goan society operates
Now the ruthless cunning gujju identity theft gang hiding behind google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh is trying to ensure that the google competitor has no other assets offline, so that they can easily force her to agree to identity theft, when she is without any online and offline asset. So the shameless liar google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh is now falsely blaming the google competitor for the illness of her delicate sons , falsely claiming that keeping the water in pots for plants is responsible for their illness , when the fact is that the sons of the uneducated cbi employee naina have poor immunity due to the sedentary life they lead.
In most families teenagers and middle class children do not have their own vehicle till they start working, earn their own money and purchase a vehicle of their own, if at all. Till then most children and young adults are using public transport, walking for moving from one place to another. The domain investor owning this website does not own a vehicle , and usually walks, uses public transport, which could be the reason why she does not suffer from serious illnesses often, despite being subjected to the most terrible human rights abuses since 2010.
Though walking is time consuming and requires some effort, it is widely proved that walking is good for health, improves the immunity . However flush with black money, google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina, who looks like actress sneha wagh, rewards young sons with vehicles, scooters, expensive cars costing Rs 12 lakh or more, regularly, so that they almost always use their vehicle and hardly walk long distances, lead a sedentary life.
So due to lack of proper exercise the young sons of the school dropout cbi employee naina have poor immunity and fall sick immediately when a mosquito bites them. Instead of realizing that lack of exercise like walking is largely responsible for the health problems of her extremely delicate sons, and they have a weak immune system, which makes them fall sick often, the arrogant greedy fraud school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife blames google competitor for their poor immunity
The harassment of the google competitor for growing plants in her house, falsely blaming the google competitor for the illness of the delicate sons of the uneducated cbi employee naina, is a clear indication of how ruthless the gujju identity theft gang, google, tata are in defaming, harassing, cheating the google competitor whose identity they have stolen to get 10 lazy greedy goan prostitutes, cheater housewives and other frauds like gujju school dropout cbi employee naina, lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs.
Many of the plants purchased online in 2018 have died
It appears that purchasing plants online is becoming risky, because many of the plants purchased online in 2018 have withered and died rather quickly.
The only thing that remains are the pots. This is because the plants are not grown in the pots initially, they are grown in the ground.
When an online order is received, the plant seller will transplant the plant in a pot, and observe the plant for a few days
If the plant does not wither, they are sending the plant to the buyer.
However in many cases, the plants are withering after a week or 15 days . So it is advisable to only purchase hardy, easy to grow plants online
Best locations for selling plants
In goa, there are hardly any pavement sellers of plants or other items, however in Mumbai, there are many people who are selling their products on the footpaths and doing good business.
It is observed that plant sellers are doing very good business if they are keeping their goods at specific locations like
– outside bank branches
– near schools
– near temples
A lot of people are guaranteed to visit these places, so the probability of selling is far higher.
Google,tata did not want google competitor, domain investor to be interested in gardening
When google competitor was spending all her time and money online, it was very convenient for google,tata and others, as she was working full time as a slave for these companies. They could also falsely accuse her of being addicted to the internet, working on computers and not leading a balanced life to defame, cheat and exploit her further.
However computers were available only in the last 18 years, earlier the google competitor, domain investor was managing without using computers extensively outside office. Tired of being cheated and exploited ruthlessly the google competitor and domain investor has realized that she will not get a fair deal, especially under the present conditions
So she is reverting slowly to her other hobbies like gardening, reading, stitching. However it appears that other domain investors are unable to reduce their online usage even when they are being tortured, allowing ntro, google,tata to exploit them endlessly. Google, tata did not expect the domain investor not to tolerate the cheating and when she is spending time, money gardening, they are again harassing her, as their identity theft plans are slowly failing.
Sage plant ordered online withers and dies
Ordering plants online and buying them offline is always risky.
The sage plant ordered from Nurserylive was alive when it was delivered about 14 days ago.
However the plant withered and dried rather quickly
The plant was kept outside and was watered well, yet it dried quickly