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Transplanting plants remains a major challenge while gardening

One of the main challenges for any gardener this year is transplanting plants from one place to another, and ensuring that the transplanted plant survives
There are many challenges while transplanting a plant
– ensuring that the roots are not damaged while remove the plant from the place where it was originally growing
– replanting it quickly enough, so that it is not getting withered
– ensuring that the soil is compatible
– watering it well
– ensuring that pests like squirrels, cockroaches do not attack the transplanted plant

The domain investor has been transplanting some plants, many of them are dying because the soil is not compatible, causing the stem to rot and the plant to die.

Coleus Coerulescens plant withers and dies

Ordering plants online can be risky, because the plants are more likely to die.
For example the Coleus Coerulescens was ordered approximately 15 days ago, and though it was received 5 days ago, the plant has already withered and dried
The other succulent plants which were ordered have survived, though the Kalanchoe Flapjack has also lost leaves
It remains to be seen if the plant will revive during the monsoon , or whether it has died permanently

Google,tata employees and their associates damaged Haworthia attenuata plant

Realizing that the fraud brahmin ntro employees and the indian, goan government are not likely to end their fraud of falsely claiming that Google,tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan , 2013 bsc offering sex services to government employees is an online expert, domain investor (owning this website also), so that the real domain investor is denied the income and opportunities she deserved, the google competitor has been diversifying into plants, collecting/purchasing plants from various sources.

However the top goan officials enjoying the sex services of Google,tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan are doing everything possible to ensured that the google competitor, domain investor and engineer only works online, so that fraud of the lazy greedy goan sex worker and other google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/cbi employees is not exposed. So every plant that the engineer gets is damaged at the first opportunity.

The google competitor , domain investor had purchased a Haworthia attenuata plant at Mumbai airport, and kept it on the window sill. However as part of the endless harassment, the pot was thrown down, and the roots of the plant were damaged. This forced the domain investor to move the plant to another location, however it remains to be seen, if it will be attacked there also by google, tata employees and their associates.

Soil in most pots washed away

One of the major problems faced for terrace gardening in panaji, goa is how the soil in most of the pots appears to have been washed away within one year. The domain investor had filled the pots with coco peat, kitchen waste and newspapers for mulching last year in May , June 2018.

However she has observed that most of the pots which were filled with cocopeat are empty or nearly empty and she will have to make alternate arrangements for filling the pots. In 2015, she had also spent some time, trying to make soil from kitchen waste, and this makes good quality soil, which retains water and is not washed away, unlike cocopeat, which is washed away very quickly

So now the domain investor has to make alternate arrangements to fill the pots and cannot afford to throw any kind of waste away.

Seeds in unclean front yard start germinating after May rains

While keeping the front yard immaculately clean may be socially appropriate, one of the main disadvantages is that all the seeds which are deposited by the birds, animals and from other sources will also be thrown out.
In May 2018, panaji experienced some showers, and now some of the seeds in the front yard are germinating
It is a major challenge for a person with no professional training and experience, identifying the seedlings which are now growing, and separately the flower, fruit and useful plants from the weeds and other plants.
Though there are some sources of seeds, ensuring that they germinate remains a major challenge for the amateur gardener.

NTRO not allowing some indian domain investors to have a passive source of income online

The NTRO employees and their associates themselves are not interested in investing money in domain names and websites as they are risk averse greedy frauds, yet they are ruthless in causing losses to some harmless indian domain investors who are trying to develop a passive source of income online. They are intentionally hacking most of the websites and ad networks so that the person does not have any passive source of income however much he or she may try .
Ideally a person should be able to make more money after investing a large amount of money and time, however a google competitor finds that if she is only investing her time, she is making more money, compared to investing both her money and time in domain names, because of the google, tata masterminded sex, bribery, resume theft racket since 2010
The 10 google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and fraud R&AW/Cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree are least interested in doing any work online, investing any money online, taking any risk. they are only relying on their sugar daddies, pimps, lovers and relatives to abuse their powers and make fake claims about online work and online investment to get them a monthly government salary at the expense of the google competitor

Selling and buying human hair

In addition to being used for making wigs, human hair can be used for a large number of other applications including gardening to get rid of slugs and other pests . In some larger cities and towns, there are people who collect human hair from women are pay them for the hair. Temples like tirupati are making a lot of money from the human hair of devotees who shave or cut their hair.

More details available at buyers and sellers of human hair, applications and news. More details on human hair exchange, applications and news . Buyers of human hair can also contact.

Lighting and camera with motion detection required

Due to google, tata sex, identity theft racket since 2010,the google competitor cannot get any reliable person to do waterproofing, and then get the power supply restored as the local security and intelligence agencies allegedly bribed by google, tata are extorting a huge amount of money when the google competitor contacts anyone in panaji, goa for repairs. So low cost lighting and cameras with motion detection are required for the home of the google competitor. Please send specifications and pricing of the motion detection equipment

Soil quality testing, usage

Since google, tata are ruthless, shameless in exploiting harmless indian female domain investors to supply goan SEX workers, get money, job bribes for top NTRO,CBI, R&AW,security agency employees, the domain investors are forced to diversify in other sectors. As the section 420 fraud google, tata employees are ruthless in filing fake cases, many domain investors are forced to focus on gardening, keeping pets as the interaction with other human beings is less. However for plants to grow well, the soil should be fertile. So it is important to develop a proper system of soil quality testing, usage, so that the rights plants can be grown in the soil. Only a few plants can be grown in soil which is not very fertile and the crops, seeds should be selected accordingly.
Suppliers of soil quality testing units can contact, send their offers by email to

Aloe vera plants available

Aloe vera is an easy to grow plant which does not require daily watering, fertilizers, so it is suitable for those who are travelling a lot and cannot water the plant daily.
Aloe vera is used for various skin and health related problems and aloe vera gel is fairly expensive
Aloe vera plants available in panaji, goa at a low cost
One aloe vera plant in a plastic container will be provided
Home delivery option available
If interested kindly send an email to