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Advertise on a gardening related website on the following topics
– plants for container gardening
– plant prices
– online gardening supplies
– hitech torture methods, harassment of some gardeners in goa
– flowering plants
– watering plants
– related amazon account fraud


Kindly note that ntro, raw, cbi employees and their associates like gujju school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil,karan, sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay any domain expenses at all, though the indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka government are making fake claims DUPING domain registries, registrars and ICANN in a major DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 10 years allegedly bribed by google, tata to increase the profit of these companies. These frauds are not on talking terms with the domain investor yet make fake claims

Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan being falsely promoted as gardening expert by her tata pimps, lovers

The Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan is least interested in gardening, doing any online work or investing in domains.
yet to avoid paying sunaina for her SEX services to government employees from their million dollar profits, sunaina’s google, tata PIMPS, lovers, sugar daddies are abusing their powers, and duping people, companies and countries that the Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan who has no online investment and is least interesting in gardening and does not spend any money on domains, owns the websites of a single woman engineer, domain investor for the last 10 years

to cover up the sex racket,google, tata pimps of sunaina, sunaina’s lovers are extremely aggressive in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor and helping the
Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan CRIMINALLY TRESPASS the house of the domain investor, falsely claiming that the panaji call girl sunaina, who has no legal papers owns the house. The domain investor is spending a lot of money on gardening, yet raw/cbi are falsely claiming that the garden belongs to the panaji prostitute who does not spend money on domains, gardening.

In mumbai the local tabloids had a ad of a planned project in Mira road by JP Infra , with a photo of a look alike of Goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan wearing stillettos, with 18 themed gardens, and a painting of a cactus . When sunaina is least interested in gardening, why are google, tata pimps, her lovers, sugar daddies duping companies with their lies about the call girls interest in gardening.

People gifting panaji SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX service provider cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, free plants regularly since she falsely claims to own this website

Though the income tax returns, bank details will legally prove that the google, tata sponsored panaji SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX service provider cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, and her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil have no paypal income, no domain expenses, the shameless LIAR panaji gujju fraudster family of the gujju panaji sex queen continues to falsely claim ownership of this domain, and other domains which they do not pay for, and do not control to get a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor, who is CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for the last 10 years
To bribe the powerful top gujju officials parmar, parekh, nikhil sha having regular sex with naina, google, tata are supporting the panaji gujju sex queen naina in her domain ownership, online, paypal, banking fraud,
It appears that most people in panaji, are believing in the lies of the google, tata employees who are promoting the school dropout panaji gujju sex queen naina chandan, a LIAR and FRAUD who does not have the humanity and honesty to pay for the domains and get them legally transferred to her name, relies on the powerful gujju officials having SEX with her to dupe people, companies and countries

Hence people in panaji are regularly gifting the panaji gujju sex queen plants, pots thinking that she owns the domain, interested in gardening, when she is only a SEX service provider who controls some of the most powerful government officials in India and does not own the domain at all.
regularly new plants are gifted to naina, no one gifts the domain investor any plants, since the gujju officials are extremely vicious in defaming the domain investor to enjoy free sex with naina.

Plants are dying because of dirty water contain toxins dumped by SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan

As part of the indian government swachh bharat campaign cbi employees are now dumping dirty water in their neighbours house daily while keeping their house immaculately clean. The water contains a lot of chemicals which cause soil pollution reducing the value of the land and are also killing the plants, due to the toxins

Many of goa’s problems are related to the fact that top officials are LIARS, FRAUDS who have no morals and integrity at all and will shamelessly lie if they are offered enough money or excellent sex service as BRIBES.

for example though it can be legally proved that Goan government’s role model gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, is married illegally at the age of 16, to get sex practice, for more than 5 years the goan government has falsely claimed that its role model naina chandan, a school dropout sex service provider is an experienced engineer so that the panaji sex queen gets a monthly salary at the expense of the engineer, who is broke\

google,tata are justifying the identity theft of a harmless single woman engineer by their role model SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX SERVICE PROVIDER naina chandan, saying that she is keeping her house very clean, In reality google, tata’s favorite school dropout cbi employee has no civic sense at all. Almost everyday cbi’s favorite school dropout orders her sari clad servant to dump dirty water in her neigbours house

The servant who wears nylon saris, and has her hair tied in a pin, is mopping all the floors of the house, with the monthly salary cbi is giving naina for her sex services to ntro employees, Then instead of throwing the dirty water in the bathroom or toilet, goan government role model school dropout naina’s servant is dumping the dirty water in the neigbours house without even looking if anyone is there. This dirty water dumping takes place between 11 am and 1 pm daily in panaji, goa and a loud sound is heard since the water is thrown from the first and second floor of the house

The water contains toxic cleaning chemicals, and it is not good for health, yet goan government the uneducated naina chandan continues with her dumping since google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi and her powerful lovers like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha in dirtying the house of people in the neighbourhood.

Plants are dying because of dirty water contain toxins dumped by SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan

As part of the indian government swachh bharat campaign cbi employees are now dumping dirty water in their neighbours house daily while keeping their house immaculately clean. The water contains a lot of chemicals which cause soil pollution reducing the value of the land and are also killing the plants, due to the toxins

Many of goa’s problems are related to the fact that top officials are LIARS, FRAUDS who have no morals and integrity at all and will shamelessly lie if they are offered enough money or excellent sex service as BRIBES.

for example though it can be legally proved that Goan government’s role model gujju SCHOOL DROPOUT cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, is married illegally at the age of 16, to get sex practice, for more than 5 years the goan government has falsely claimed that its role model naina chandan, a school dropout sex service provider is an experienced engineer so that the panaji sex queen gets a monthly salary at the expense of the engineer, who is broke\

google,tata are justifying the identity theft of a harmless single woman engineer by their role model SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX SERVICE PROVIDER naina chandan, saying that she is keeping her house very clean, In reality google, tata’s favorite school dropout cbi employee has no civic sense at all. Almost everyday cbi’s favorite school dropout orders her sari clad servant to dump dirty water in her neigbours house

The servant who wears nylon saris, and has her hair tied in a pin, is mopping all the floors of the house, with the monthly salary cbi is giving naina for her sex services to ntro employees, Then instead of throwing the dirty water in the bathroom or toilet, goan government role model school dropout naina’s servant is dumping the dirty water in the neigbours house without even looking if anyone is there. This dirty water dumping takes place between 11 am and 1 pm daily in panaji, goa and a loud sound is heard since the water is thrown from the first and second floor of the house

The water contains toxic cleaning chemicals, and it is not good for health, yet goan government the uneducated naina chandan continues with her dumping since google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi and her powerful lovers like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha in dirtying the house of people in the neighbourhood.

Instead of asking lazy greedy young people not to wander topless, in goa government is harassing gardeners

Instead of being honest that top ntro employes like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha have given fake references to Panaji gujju SEX queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, because they are addicted to regular SEX with her, the LIARoan intelligence and security agency employees take massive BRIBES from the gujju sex queen illegally married at 16, and dupe companies, countries and people that the school dropout is an experienced engineer, and domain investor

To cover up their banking, domain, engineering fraud, the gujju school dropout and her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan are ruthless in their banking, online fraud on the engineer, whose resume, savings their SEX service provider, school dropout mother naina chandan falsely claims to have
the young gujju fraudsters karan, nikhil are so desperate to get dengue that they are repeatedly wandering around topless in the open or wearing skimpy clothes to increase the surface area available to mosquitoes for biting them
Then when they get dengue, their balding bespectacled liar fraud father, writes complaints against those who are gardening to defame them, blaming them for the dengue, when actually his topless sons are resposible for the dengue when they wander around leaving most of their body uncovered like poverty stricken beggars on the road, who cannot afford clothes

CCTV footage will show the topless and skimpily clothed sons of the Panaji gujju SEX queen cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan wandering around outside their house in panaji, goa

Gujju housewife offers cut plants so that domain investor can be attacked with radiation weapons

For attacking with radiation weapons, the NTRO employees require the domain investor to remain at one place. outdoors where they can attack her. So a gujju housewife offering plants was used by the ntro employees to lure the domain investor and criminally attack the domain investor causing a very severe headache.

After their BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD was exposed finally in 2019, the ntro employees have increased their criminal attacks using radiation weapons in June 2019. The attacker is very active in the evening since he is trying to erase the memory after ROBBING IT AND COPY PASTING it on the brains of his relatives, sugar daddies .

On 7 June 2019, after the domain investor purchased some bread, the criminal government employee attacked her at St Inez,Panaji causing great pain at around 6.30 pm
On 8 June 2019, again at around 6pm, the criminal government employee again attacked her in Campal, Panaji, causing a very severe headache . A gujju housewife was asked to offer cut plants so that she would remain at one place, and could be attacked with weapons.

It appears that the domain investor will be forced to switch off her mobile to prevent attacks in future

It appears that the panaji gujju sex queen cbi employee school dropout gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh and has regular sex with top officials, has joined the indore robber raw employees veena, deepika, in bribing the criminal security agency employees to criminally attack the domain investor at every possible opportunity to cause great pain, to cover up their BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD , hence there is an increase in attacks.

Plants kept on the terrace wilt far more quickly

Though some plants may grow faster if they are kept on the terrace, they will also wilt faster if they are not being watered daily
The domain investor had kept some plants in the shaded balcony and also on the terrace.
She found that the plants in the balcony were largely intact despite not being watered for a week
On the other hand, other than the desert rose, almost all the plants on the terrace are wilting and had died. Reviving these plants will take a month or more time.

To ensure that plants are not watered, R&AW/cbi employee call girl sunaina chodan/naina, removed the water bucket

In October 2018, to force the google competitor to vacate her house and not visit it, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, and her associates allegedly burgled the house, and robbed the tap, so that they could falsely claim to own the the house, bank account
Yet the google competitor did not let it affect her, she used the little water available to grow some plants, clearly indicating that there is someone in the house.
After the google competitor, engineer who is being cheated, posted a disclaimer that raw/cbi employees were not associated with her in any way, in another act of criminal trespassing raw employee sunaina chodan ( or the family of gujju cbi employee naina), out of hatred and greed , removed the bucket which was kept under the tap so that there was no water for the plants.
In panaji, goa , water is available only for a few hours from 6 am to 8 am and the bucket was removed, to ensure that the plants were not watered indicating the extreme hatred and harassment faced.

To ensure that plants are not watered, R&AW/cbi employee call girl sunaina chodan/naina, removed the water bucket

In October 2018, to force the google competitor to vacate her house and not visit it, goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, and her associates allegedly burgled the house, and robbed the tap, so that they could falsely claim to own the the house, bank account
Yet the google competitor did not let it affect her, she used the little water available to grow some plants, clearly indicating that there is someone in the house.
After the google competitor, engineer who is being cheated, posted a disclaimer that raw/cbi employees were not associated with her in any way, in another act of criminal trespassing raw employee sunaina chodan ( or the family of gujju cbi employee naina), out of hatred and greed , removed the bucket which was kept under the tap so that there was no water for the plants.
In panaji, goa , water is available only for a few hours from 6 am to 8 am and the bucket was removed, to ensure that the plants were not watered indicating the extreme hatred and harassment faced.