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Snails, pests eat up most of the seeds planted

Despite planting a large number of seeds, almost no seeds are germinating because of the different pests which feast on the seeds.
While snails are the major eaters of seeds and seedlings, it appears that other pests are also creating havoc. these are tiny snails smaller than a nail in size, brown in color, miniature versions of the sea shells
Some of other pests which feed on the seeds which are planted in pots in a kitchen garden are
– sparrows
– crows
– cockroaches
– geckos

So despite planting 30-40 seeds most of the seeds do not germinate at all, they end up as food for these various pests. The survival rate of seeds is also fairly low So growing seeds can be a very expensive hobby as most of the seeds are wasted, only a few plants are growing and fewer plants are bearing any fruit.