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Higher costs of plants online

Due to the higher transportation expenses, plants which are available online are priced far higher than the offline prices. While goa is notorious for high priced plants (with the forest department plants the only exception), in most towns and cities the prices of plants are far more online . Most of the plants in Mumbai are available for Rs 40-50 each in 2017, while online the plant prices usually start at Rs 200 onwards.
Money plant or pothos is the cheapest plant offline , however most online retailers are selling the plant for at least Rs 230 indicating the highly inflated online prices.
The cheapest live plant online is aloe vera costing approximately Rs 118 per plant on ebay at present

Aquatic plants dying due to unknown reasons

Since vandalism by miscreants has become widespread in panaji, goa, as they enter the house with duplicate keys, the aquatic plants purchased online were kept in different locations so that a location specific problem would not destroy all the plants. It is found that the Salvinia minima are flourishing at one location in panaji, goa, while they are dying quickly at another location in the same city. In both cases, tap water is being used , however almost all the plants have died, while in another area, they are flourishing and new leaves are visible.
A similar problem is faced for Azolla caroliniana and Duckweed.
Any solution to the problem will be appreciated

Great differences in fish food, aquatic plant, fish prices

It appears that there is a very great difference in fish food prices all over India. Offline in Panaji, Goa, they are charging Rs 80 for a packet of fish food, while online, the same packet is being sold for Rs 20. Some plants are sold for Rs 100 each in Goa, while online and in Mumbai they are selling for Rs 20 – Rs 30 each at one store. In Mumbai in another store in the same locality, aquatic plants were being sold for Rs 130 per plant, indicating the extremely high profit margins.
The major advantage of growing aquatic plants, is that they do not require regular watering, unlike conventional plants, which will dry up if they are not watered properly unless they are succulents like aloe vera, cactus.

Few gardening related magazines in India

There are many people interested in gardening, especially in small towns, where there are limited opportunities for getting a job or any other kind of work. However in India there are very few magazines on gardening available, most of the magazines are clubbing home and garden together. Even in these magazines, there is very little gardening related information, only a few pages. In the articles the gardening writers are only using the latin name of the plants, and in many cases, they are not mentioning the indian name or common name or even a photo of the plant.
The only way an amateur gardener can find out the name of the plant, what it is looking like, is to use search engines or a botanical dictionary. Publishers of gardening related magazines can send their magazine details to

Many plants die during transit

While it is difficult to find low cost suppliers of plants in goa, there are some risks involved in transporting the plants over a very long distance. Many of the plants are dying when transported by air due to rough handling and a variety of other reasons like change in weather
Some expensive chilli and flower plants were purchased in Mumbai in October 2016, and all these plants have died within a month. Due to the unknown reasons the plant is wilting and dying , though it is being watered regularly
If anyone is aware of how to prevent wilting of plants, please send an email to

Caterpillars destroy garden

One of the main problems faced by those owning a garden are caterpillars who are eating up all the leaves and flowers. The caterpillars appear to be particularly fond of bean plants, and eat up all the leaves and flowers.
Hibiscus leaves and flowers are also eaten by the caterpillars.
The only way to remove the caterpillars is manually or hope that some bird will come and eat up the caterpillar
In panaji, goa, the grey coloured hairy caterpillars are most common
In October 2016, the plants suffered a major caterpillar attack, most of the caterpillars have been removed manually.

Radiation burns damage tree branches, plants

The relentless torture using microwave radiation weapons of a harmless obc single woman engineer and domain investor has forced her to lead a nomadic life trying to evade the cruel criminal officials who are stalking and torture her, causing microwave radiation burns, great pain . Now these officials are upset that they cannot torture the domain investor using radiation weapons near her house, so they are targetting all the plants and trees in the area.
Unlike humans and animals who can flee to evade these criminal cruel animal like ntro and other officials, the harmless plants cannot evade the criminal officials who are allowed to misuse microwave radiation weapons on whatever or whoever they wish to.
So it is noticed that the tender shoots of the plants and trees are being targetted by the criminal ntro officials and have suddenly dried up. Can ntro, the indian government explain how burning the plants and trees of a harmless indian citizen is a matter of national security, If these officials have no work in goa, they should be deployed to border areas instead of allowing them to run amok and damage plants and indian citizens

Selling aloe vera plant

Google, tata and the ntro officials on their payroll are extremely ruthless in destroying the life and finances of India’s largest female domain investor, blocking almost all payment, closing the account at almost all online websites. Instead of wasting time online and finding the payment blocked it is better to find some offline sources of income, which these officials cannot easily block.
One option being considered seriously is selling aloe vera plants,
On ebay a seller from Odisha is selling aloe vera plants for Rs 119 each and he has got a lot of orders
So if the google, tata sabotage continues, it will be better to sell aloe vera plants online instead of selling digital products or services, as the leads and orders are being diverted and stolen.

Tree branches broken intentionally

Some senior tata, google officials hate a female domain investor so much that they are allegedly even killing the plants in the garden repeatedly, breaking branches of a tree. Some branches of a tree had broken in June 2016, tata officials through their associates, allegedly goan obc bhandari sex worker R&AW employee sunaina called the fire brigade and got almost the entire tree chopped off.
However after the rains, some branches started growing from the tree, yet tata and their associates hate the domain investor so much that they do not want to allow her to make a penny or paisa online or offline.
So again in September 2016, the domain investor found that some of the branches of a tree had been broken off. Animals do not break off the branches in this manner. additionally some branches of some marigold plants kept on the terrace have also been broken indicating how malicious the tata officials are.