Goa is becoming notorious for cheap alcohol and drugs, and it appears that at least some people are growing cannabis plants in their garden, Earlier people were arrested in South Goa for growing cannabis, and in the latest instance of drugs being grown locally, the media reported that Cannabis plants valued at Rs 3.5 lakh were seized from the home of a 20 year old in Porvorim, North Goa, near Panaji
Most of the tourists to goa, stay in the north goa tourist belt, close to Calangute, Baga, Anjuna
With very few opportunities in goa, due to high levels of corruption, gardening is a popular option for people of all ages.
It now appears that Cannabis is becoming increasingly popular, because the newspapers are claiming that only two plants were found, and these plants cost Rs3.5 lakh.
So each plant is costing Rs 1.75 lakh, a fairly large amount.
Category: Uncategorized
Gardening is a very effective way of improving fitness levels
In addition to being a very relaxing hobby especially for organized stalking victims who are isolated, cheated and betrayed by almost everyone, gardening is a very effective way of improving fitness levels for older persons.
Gardening activities are definitely more healthier than spending time in front of the laptop or computer, and additionally, ntro, raw, cbi, goan and indian government refuse to acknowledge the time and money she is spending, falsely giving google, tata sponsored frauds, sex workers credit and a salary
In addition to reducing the weight to some extent, it appears that the body is fitter.
For the last few years, the domain investor was finding it difficult to crouch and sit down. Usually the fitness of a person decreases as the person grows older.
However in 2018, when the domain investor went to mumbai in october 2018, she noticed that she could easily crouch and sit down, the pain she was experiencing for the last few years has disappeared.
There is no major change in the lifestyle of the domain investor, except that she is spending more time gardening in 2018, compared to earlier, since she has largely lost hope in making much money online due to the google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi sex, bribery, racket, banking fraud.
The improvement in fitness levels was a very pleasant surprise, and so the domain investor has decided to spend more time gardening
Drumstick seedling uprooted in the house of the google competitor by panaji robber gang
After the latest burglary in the house of the google competitor on October 1, 2018, the google competitor changed the lock. Earlier the lock pickers could open the lock, and also close it without have any key.
Now the lock is changed , so a key will be required to close the lock, otherwise, the lock pickers will have to leave the lock open, making it obvious that they have tampered and entered the house.
it appears that the panaji burglary gang, again tried to enter the house of the google competitor, however they realized that the lock would expose the criminal trespassing. So instead they uprooted the drumstick seedling which was kept on the window sill.
In goa, it remains very difficult to find reliable suppliers of drumstick seeds, the domain investor had wasted a lot of time to find a seed supplier. The seeds are also expensive, there are only about 5 seeds in a packet, and they are costing Rs 40.
However the seed had germinated well, and was growing. However in another act of vandalism of the goa burglarly and robber gang, the drumstick seedling was uprooted and thrown in the vicinity, indicating that the vandalism is out of hatred and greed, not for money alone.
Growing Money plants or pothos
While growing plants is a relaxing and enjoyable hobby, it can be fairly frustrating, especially for a beginner, if all the plants they are growing will die quickly. So it is recommended that the person grows plants which do not require much maintenance, and are easy to grow.
One of the easiest plants to grow at home or office is the money plant or pothos. There are many varieties of these plants available, however most people are having the variety with green and white leaves. One of the greatest advantages of the money plant, is that it can be grown in water also, and kept indoors, making them ideal for decorating posh offices.
Online these plants are fairly expensive, and most offline nurseries are not stocking the plant, as it is very common. They are widely used for purifying the air, especially in metro cities like delhi where pollution levels are high.
Aloe vera plant die due to over watering
Tired of ntro, google, tata’s sex, bribery racket, financial, banking fraud since 2010, the domain investor is focusing on growing plants, and she has been able to grow a large number of aloe vera plants, without any problem, though she has only a small amount of space available
However when she sold an aloe vera plant online, the buyer said that the plant had died. It had probably died because of overwatering.
It is rather surprising, because the domain investor has some aloe vera plants whose roots are immersed in water for many months, yet they survive
However these aloe vera plants are kept on the terrace, and are getting direct sunlight
Make money from your gardening blog/website dropshipping plants
Increasingly it is extremely difficult to make any money from a website despite spending a lot of money and time creating unique content. The advertising rates are very low , and most affiliate leads, conversions and orders are stolen by ntro employees who cannot be identified or held accountable. So one of the best ways to monetize a gardening, home decor blog or website is by dropshipping plants as the ntro employees are least interested in selling plants directly.
The conversion rate is also higher, for example the domain investor owning this website has been trying to get online advertising and content writing orders for more than 4 years since 2014, however she has got almost no direct paying orders, despite her best efforts, spending a lot of time and effort, because of the large scale theft of orders for digital products and services by indian government employees who cannot be identified.
On the other hand, in August and September 2018, the domain investor has got one direct order each, and a large number of leads, indicating that gardening leads are easier to covert into orders, if the plants are actually supplied . So for those who do not have a large number of plants in stock, the Quick Dropshipping plant website stocking medicinal, flowering and other plants will help.
This is similar to business model of television networks, instead of advertising they are showing ads from teleshopping networks selling physical products at a highly discounted price as advertisers do not trust smaller websites, television channels.
Gardening good option for women facing sexual exploitation, harassment
Due to the regressive attitude of indian intelligence and security agencies, leaders the status of women in India is worsening yearly in the last decade and many well educated women find that they have extremely limited or no opportunities if they are not willing to offer sex bribes or agree to identity theft.
The so called women leaders like shameless greedy bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, ruchika are either puppets or are only interested in their own welfare, they do not help women who are cheated and exploited by powerful men, especially government employees. These men sexually harassing well educated women in India are extremely ruthless in blocking orders, payment, diverting and stealing all opportunities for their own associates.
So instead of wasting time fighting a losing battle against corrupt government employees who cannot be identified or held accountable and can waste infinite indian tax payer money to harass harmless well educated women, it is better for the woman to devote some of her time and effort for gardening at home, especially if she has some land or open space at home, is living in a small town with limited opportunities.
Unlike crafting, stitching and other activities, where the output depends on the amount of time spent, gardening can be a good source of flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs, kitchen supplies without spending much time daily, only some time has to be spent watering the plants, adding fertilizer. It is also possible to sell some of the plants locally in trade shows and other exhibitions, sales. It is also a very relaxing hobby.
Someone powerful is very angry with plants in panaji, goa
It appears that a very powerful official in panaji is very upset that the google competitor has managed to find an alternative to online work, growing plants, foiling his best laid plans
There are a lot of plants growing on the footpaths around the house of the google competitor , and regularly the plants are being killed using a machine, in other areas they are growing wild.
The official thought that the google competitor could be forced to only work online for the rest of her life, though she was making almost no money, However the google competitor has realized that she is being ruthlessly cheated and exploited online, so she is spending her time and money offline also mostly growing plants, as she cannot interact with others due to harassment
Gardening fraud of goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan exposed as she is least interested in gardening
lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan does not grow anything in her house, falsely claims to own google competitors plants
Though the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan has plenty of land around her house, she does not grow anything in her house land as she is least interested in gardening and is extremely lazy .
However in a clear indication of how ruthless the sundar pichai led google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw are in defaming, cheating and exploiting the google competitor, google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan is criminally trespassing the house of the google competitor and falsely claims to own google competitors plants in one of the never ending frauds of ntro, goan government since 2010
In addition to spending a lot of time on the computer, the extremely busy google competitor is also spending her time gardening to grow some vegetables which can be eaten at home, however google, tata, ntro employees are some of the greatest cheaters and liars in the world, extremely vicious in defaming the google competitor . So they are refusing to acknowledge gardening skills, effort of the google competitor and falsely claiming that the google, tata supplied call girl, only offering sex services, is doing all the gardening work to pamper her further
school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina now trying to criminally trespass on terrace garden
Not satisfied with getting a monthly cbi salary without doing any work at all, without investing any money, the google, tata sponsored school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina and her associates are now trying to criminally trespass on the terrace garden of the google competitor, so that they can steal vegetables and cause other damage to the terrace garden.
Earlier also the google competitor, realized that the gujju housewife naina’s sons had criminally trespassed, when they left their school papers on the terrace of the house. So she intentionally dumped a lot of junk at the point which naina’s associates are using to trespass on to the terrace, and falsely claim ownership of the house. Also unidentified people have been entering the house of the google competitor, and they have also dumped their junk at the same point like a empty old monk glass bottle
However the gujju fraudsters and trespassers in panaji are so shameless, that they are complaining about the junk being dumped at their preferred entry point to the relative of the google competitor