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Urban gardening or indoor gardening

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You can cultivate plants even if you do not have a balcony or garden. Increasingly people are growing their plants indoors and this trend is called urban gardening. It is possible to to plant aromatic herbs, vegetables and fruit plants in a personal garden in your apartment. Only a window sill or well lit room will be required, and some tips have to be followed. Many people are forced to remain at home, and are looking for a new way to relax, remain busy and utilize the innate creativity. Some tips which will help you start gardening in your apartment are provided.

Choosing the plants
Though some plants cannot be grown indoors, gardeners can still choose from a large variety of herbs and plants. Basil, chives,coriander, dill and mint are some of the popular aromatic herbs grown indoors. Other plants are tomatoes, chillies, capsicum and gherkins. You can do some research online and offline, to find more plants which you can grow in your house.

When to plant the seeds indoors?
The right time to plant a particular type of seed, varies depending on the seed type. However, most seeds should be sown in the period from the end of winter, till spring end. Harvesting of the plants can begin in spring and continues till summer end. Yet, there are exceptions. For example arugula seeds can be planted any time in the year and harvested.

Where should the plants be grown?
Even if the apartment has a very small balcony, it is ideal for growing the plants. However, most people do not have a balcony. Still they can have their own urban garden, growing their plants on the windowsills of different rooms. Alternately the plants can be grown in well lit room located close to a window which gets good sunshine. It is important to ensure that the plants are exposed to sunlight and the fresh air for several hours daily so that the conditions are similar to the conditions outdoors. This is mainly because some plants require these conditions to flourish, and some insects like bees to grow properly.

How to start your urban garden?
To start a urban garden, it is necessary to follow a few basic steps. The soil and other requirement, for each plant variety will differ. While purchasing seeds, this information is often provided on the packaging of the seed bag, or separate leaflet. The seed seller can also be asked for advice. Pots are available in different kinds of materials like plastic, clay and a variety of shapes like boxes , round. The soil available will also vary based on its composition. Some types are clay, sand, loam.
While some of the containers will already have holes for draining water, for other containers, it may be necessary to drill holes at the bottom of the pot. This will ensure that the roots are not exposed to water for a long time and do not rot. To prevent the mud and dirty water, from dirtying the apartment, a plate can be placed under each container.An alternative option to the plate, is purchasing clay or gravel balls, and placing them below the pots.