Aloevera plant stolen from front garden in posh area of panaji, goa
the panaji politicians and officials are not allowing citizens to grow plants on the terrace making fake dengue allegations, yet when citizens are forced to grow plants in their front garden, most of the plants are stolen.
The domain investor was forced to move one aloe vera plant from the terrace to the front garden after being threatened with arrest.
In August, it appears that the aloe vera plant was robbed by criminal trespassers, plant robbers in one of the poshest areas of panaji, goa
This is the latest in the long list for panaji plant robberies earlier, the ajwain, kadipatta plant were robbed, balsam plant killed.
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Curry leaf(kadipatta) plant stolen from posh area of panaji,goa within a week of replanting
The domain investor was growing plants on the terrace mainly because there is no security on the ground floor, when she is not at home, people are stealing and killing plants. However some corrupt local politician in a posh area of panaji, started making fake dengue allegations, threatened arrest and got all the plants removed from the terrace.
After the killing of the balsam plant, theft of ajwain plant, now the local panaji robbers flourish in the poshest area of panaji, have also stolen a curry leaves (kadipatta) plant from the mailing address of the domain investor one week after she replanted the plant.
The domain investor had replanted the plant spending a lot of time digging it and replanting it in a new grow bag spending a lot of time on 9 August 2021.
Yet indicating rampant robbery in one of the poshest areas of panaji, goa, people do not allow the domain investor to even grow the kadipatta plant, it was robbed within a week, it is missing on 16 August 2021
Killing plants of some home owners is the preferred harassment technique in posh area of panaji, goa
The domain investor was keeping her plants on the terrace mainly because of rampant criminal trespassing of homes in a posh area of panaji, especially if the home owner is away. Yet some people in the area, including a powerful politician started making fake dengue allegations and started threatening arrest for keeping plants on the terrace, so the domain investor was forced to remove all the plants from the terrace.
So she kept the plants on the ground floor, and due to criminal trespassing she is finding that people criminal trespassing are killing or breaking off the plants because of the hatred of the domain investor they do not know.
after killing the balsam plant, the top of the ajwain plant was also missing on 24 July 2021, confirming the high crime rate in the area.
It appears that killing plants after criminally trespassing on properties , is the preferred harassment technique in one posh area of panaji, goa
Due to gardening discrimination in panaji, domain investor wasting time to move pots
One of the most shocking aspects of living in panaji, is the discrimination for gardening permission, threat arrests for growing plants on the terrace. Only older single women denied the right to grow plants on the terrace.
This new gardening discrimination policy was formulated only in 2019.
So the domain investor had wasted time and energy to move a large number of pots to the terrace.
She was forced to move them inside after being threatened with arrest. The pots are cluttering the interiors of the house, so now she is forced to waste her time moving the pots to the ground floor.
hence those who like growing plants, should check the gardening policy of the area where they plan to purchase a house.
Papaya plants with fruits broken due to Cyclone Taukatae
Cyclone Taukatae has caused havoc in goa, it was the worst cyclone in 23 years.
A large number of trees were uprooted, with branches falling off
Near the mailing address of the domain investor, some people had papaya plants with big papaya fruits which the people in the building could enjoy
Papaya fruits are quite expensive costing Rs 30-50 per fruit
It appears that due to the weight of the papaya fruits the top of the papaya tree broke off
The domain investor also has some papaya plants in her compund, they had no fruits so they survived the cyclone
Only single older women professionals harassed for growing plants in panaji, goa
Indicating the worsening status of older single women professionals in panaji, goa, only older single women are threatened with arrest for growing plants in their house. The fraud neighbours especially panaji’s top sindhi scammer family are falsely claiming that the plants are causing dengue in their home.
There are other people in the locality who have far more plants, kept in plastic pots, yet taking advantage of the fact older single women have to one to help or defend them, fake complaints are only filed against them, threatening to arrest them.
Do older single women face harassment for growing plants in other states, towns in india also, or is panaji, the exception.
The panaji plant pot arrest threat shows the difference in attitude of educated and other people, since many avoid disputes
In some areas of panaji, goa, some citizens are threatened with arrest for keeping pots on their terrace or balcony in a posh area of panaji.
Indicating how only meek people from poorer communities are allowed to flourish by the sindhi, gujju community, a well educated professional quickly agreed to removing the plant pots, when his relative was threatened with arrest by the xerox shop owning crooked bespectacled husband of panaji’s top sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, is very aggressive in filing complaints with the health department against some citizens who were keeping pots on their terrace to ruin their reputation , so that he could cheat, exploit them.
When the single woman threatened with arrest for keeping the plant pots on the terrace asked a maidservant for help and told the reason, the maidservant replied, “what is their problem, what can they do , it is your property, you can keep anything, they will not be able to take any action against you”
This shows how well educated people do not want to argue with the sindhi, gujju frauds who are filing complaints, just to harass single women, quietly agree to do what they demand,
After aloe vera leaf robbery leads to loss of long term maidservant,panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout housewife naina chandan gets aloe vera plant
Though she had plenty of money and time, panaji sindhi scammer schooldropout cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh is ruthless in cheating, robbing and exploiting others. Once she outsourced robbery of aloe vera leaves to her long term maidservant zeenat from chimbel, and it appears that the aloe vera leaves robbery video became viral
The servant zeenat was harassed or faced other problems because of the aloe vera leaves robbery video, so she started demanding Rs 5000 for cleaning the house, which naina refused to pay. The sari clad zeenat was working with naina for more than 5-6 years at a fairly low salary of Rs 1800 per month.
So naina was forced to get new servants a mother-daughter duo in july august 2020, yet these servants also left by march 2021.
Realizing that the aloe vera leaves robbery had cost her a very reliable servant, it appears that now naina has purchased one aloe vera plant or got it from her friend. The new plant is placed on the brick fence, and the leaves are cut.
After arrest threats for keeping plant pots, people not purchasing plants from nursery
In panaji, there is a nursery which was earlier keeping a large number of plants.
However, in 2020, a large number of citizens in the panaji area include a top CA are harassed, threatened arrest for keeping pots, falsely claiming that the pots are causing dengue
So now the plant nursery has greatly reduced the number of plants which they are growing, since people are not purchasing plants because they do not want to be arrested for keeping plants.
Huge amount of money invested in pots wasted in panaji, goa due to fake dengue allegations of health department
People grow plants as a hobby, for happiness
Yet in some areas of panaji, many people are being harassed and threatened arrest for growing plants in 2019-2020 in a clear case of criminal defamation allegedly masterminded by a particular political party
While covid-19 was a new disease, dengue has existed for many decades, earlier citizens were not threatened arrest for keeping pots
Only in 2020, the local officials in panaji, are abusing their powers to threaten some citizens with arrest for keeping pots on their terrace falsely claiming that it causes dengue
In some cases, water supply in the homes of these citizens is also cut off.
So now citizens find that all the time and money which are invested in the pots and plants is wasted, since some high status frauds like the xerox shop owning sindhi scammer pran chandan are threatening them with arrest for keeping pots on the terrace.